Towards a Methodological Approach in Teaching Arabic for Functional Purposes


  • Bachir Ibrir Author


Methodology, didactics, Arabic language, functional education, teaching methods


There exists en evident gap between the cognitive learning and the skill training in the teaching of Arabic language sciences at the university level. The cognitive learning itself did not take place in a satisfactory manner since the university student suffers (find ano- ther word) from a clear kind of shortage in the cognitive theoretical learning that which will enable him to move easily to the practical learning and allow him to use his linguistic knowledge and invest it in the use reality and its different necessities.
This paper is the result of a field investigation describing the teaching reality its intellectual background. the goals and aims the cognitive contents and the methodologies used in the teaching, the allotted means and evaluation styles.
The student also suffers from another type of shortage in percei- ving the basic concepts of Arabic language sciences and non mas- tery of the language itself from the structure description and the effective analysis which will allow him to comprehend. perceive and transform the theoretical learning into deep skill training also the unabridged gap between Arabic and foreign languages at the level of benefit taking.
All this can only be achieved with an efficient functional teachi- ng. And this is why we are in dire need of a new perspective in teaching Arabica t the university level which takes into account the specificities of the society and its educational project and all what ensues as a cognitive and educational industry with new goals and objectives to be studied and taught particularly emphasizing the practical skills. Added to what is required as pedagogical pro- cedures and functional linguistic uses concerning the different and varied functions and links language to the life activities in order to keep it an alive language serving its society's and this can only be done by wisely using the scientific data from Language Teaching as a fertile land and good example of interdisciplinary researches.


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How to Cite

Towards a Methodological Approach in Teaching Arabic for Functional Purposes. (2018). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 14(1), 31-55.