The explanatory approach to Yunus bin Habib’s analogy.


  • khaled Bouziani Author


Grammar , analogy, explanatory approach , Yunus bin Habib.


As I was browsing through the writings about the early grammarians, a figure caught my attention who had a significant impact on the study of grammar. It is Yunus ibn Habib al-Dhubbi al-Basri, the teacher of Sībawayh and one of his masters upon whom he relied in compiling his renowned work (al-Kitāb). I referred to this great work and found that Yunus's views came in second place after those of al-Khalil in terms of their number. I became convinced that Yunus's contributions in the field of grammar are no less important than those of al-Khalil. Then I referred to the biographical books and found their authors testifying to his knowledge in the field of grammar, and they called him the unique master of analogy.

Although Yunus bin Habib was greatly interested in hearing, he was not concerned with collecting everything that was narrated regardless of its authenticity. His sole focus was on trusted sources. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for his admiration for Abu Zayd. He used to say, "A trustworthy person reported to me from the Arabs." When asked who this trustworthy person was, he replied, "Abu Zayd." When further asked why he did not name him, he said, "He is still alive, so I do not name him. This characteristic made Yunus a man of knowledge distinguished by objectivity and scientific integrity. He is precise in examining the material he collects and cites as evidence, which he made the foundation for his grammatical views.


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- القرآن الكريم

- ālQurʼān al-Karīm

سيبويه: الكتاب

Sībawayh : al-Kitāb

ينظر الاستنباط، ميشال زكريا: الألسنية علم اللغة الحديث.

yanẓur al-istinbāṭ, Mīshāl Zakarīyā : al-alsunīyah ʻilm al-lughah al-ḥadīth

أبي عقيل: شرح ألفية ابن مالك.

Abī ʻAqīl : sharḥ Alfīyat Ibn Mālik.

ابن هشام: المغنى.

Ibn Hishām : al-Mughnī.

المبرد، المقتضب، تحقيق عبد الخالق عظيمة، عالم الكتب، بيروت.

al-Mibrad, al-Muqtaḍab, taḥqīq ʻAbd al-Khāliq ʻAẓīmah, ʻĀlam al-Kutubو Bayrūt.

ابن يعيش، شرح المفصل.

Ibn Yaʻīsh, sharḥ al-Mufaṣṣal.

ابن السراج: الموجز في النحو.

Ibn al-Sarrāj : al-Mūjaz fī al-naḥw.

ابن جني: الخصائص.

Ibn Jinnī : al-Khaṣāʼiṣ.







How to Cite

The explanatory approach to Yunus bin Habib’s analogy. (2012). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 8(1), 125-141.