Establishing the Foundations of Grammatical Structure


  • Ali Hanafi Ben Ahmed Badaoui Author


Grammar, Rooting, Grammatical Structure , Heritage


The structure of the Arabic sentence is considered a harmonious system with its own rules that govern its structures and components. These structures follow a pattern recognized among Arabic linguists. These components or rules have been derived from a meticulous examination of the spoken, heard, and written words of the Arabs, both in prose and poetry, during the linguistic argumentation period. This period is framed within a specific spatial context, bringing together time and place to form the syntactic rules of Arabic grammar. Something that should be mentioned might be omitted from the structure, a word might replace another word, or the original order in the sentence construction might change, so what should be delayed is advanced, and what should be advanced is delayed. Likewise, an additional letter may be introduced into the structure of the sentence over its original structure for a semantic purpose.

These grammatical deviations do not come arbitrarily in the sentence; rather, they occur for a purpose intended by the speaker of the language, so that the receiver understands it in a certain way. This understanding is facilitated by the style, linguistic construction, and the general context of the speech. To understand these phenomena and identify their positions in syntactic construction, it is necessary to refer to the Arabic grammatical heritage. The research has focused on the grammatical origin of some of these syntactic phenomena, namely: omission, addition, and substitution.


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How to Cite

Establishing the Foundations of Grammatical Structure. (2012). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 8(1), 143-184.