Teaching morphological units in the Arabic language - a critical study in light of the concepts of modern Khalilian theory


  • Hamidi Benyoucef Author


Morphology , Morphological units , Modern Khalilian theory


Morphology is considered one of the Arabic sciences studied at the lexical level a speech level construction, and no one denies its importance. As evidence of this, it suffices that determining the meaning of a statement depends on the structure of a single word within it and the intended meaning can change entirely with the change in the conjugation of that word. Furthermore, languages are classified into three types based on their morphological structure (isolating, derivational, and agglutinative). Given the significance of morphology, it necessitates investing all linguistic and educational knowledge and theories to enhance its teaching.


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How to Cite

Teaching morphological units in the Arabic language - a critical study in light of the concepts of modern Khalilian theory. (2012). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 8(1), 185-201. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/130