Scientific grammar and educational grammar, and the necessity of distinguishing between them.


  • Abderrahmane Hadj-Salah Author


Grammar, Sibawayh, educational grammar, language, scientific grammar


Since language is a phenomenon among phenomena and a system of evidence, it is worthy of being studied scientifically like all other phenomena and systems. This view is not opposed by any scholar, yet many intellectuals who are not specialists in these sciences, as well as some citizens interested in language and grammar, especially teachers and professors, have ingrained in their minds that grammar is merely a means to acquire linguistic competence. They perceive grammatical study as purely practical with a singular purpose of acquiring this skill. Many of them believe that the grammar formulated by Arab grammarians, as it has reached us, is not suitable at all for achieving this goal, and some even accuse Sibawayh of unnecessarily complicating it.


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How to Cite

Scientific grammar and educational grammar, and the necessity of distinguishing between them. (2013). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 9(1), 09-31.