From Ibn Rushd's medicine to the medicine of Ibn Hamadouche Abderrazak Al-Jazairi


  • Said Chibane Author


Medicine, Ibn Rushd, Ibn hamadouche, Algeria


In the medical works of Ibn Rushd (Averroes), we find a significant harmony between science and religion, between experimentation and reasoning, and between intellect and tradition in many medical topics. He developed a distinctive scientific Arabic language that captivates readers of his medical writings. Europeans studied his medicine extensively, yet among Muslims, there has been no comprehensive medical study dedicated to his work to date.

As for the Algerian physician Ibn Hamadoun, he studied medicine in Algeria and the far Maghreb, then traveled to the Mashriq (Eastern lands) in the second century of the Hijra. Ibn Hamadoun was deeply interested in medicine, industries, and authored works in jurisprudence and logic. His medical education was rooted in practical experience and was open-minded in approach.


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How to Cite

From Ibn Rushd’s medicine to the medicine of Ibn Hamadouche Abderrazak Al-Jazairi. (2016). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 12(2), 111-123.