Algeria in modern Omani poetry: content and performance.


  • Haouas Berri Author


Poetry, Performance, Content, Omani poetry, Modern poetry


The study examines Omani poets who focused on Algeria, living with it and contributing to it, expressing the strong relationship between the two sister countries. The study is divided into three axes:

The first axis is cultural, highlighting the role played by the eminent scholar, Mohammed Ben Youssef Ettifaish, especially through the elegy composed by Aba Muslim Al-Rawahi mourning his death, clearly illustrating the man's value and status. Given the cultural and religious role of the Institute of Life, it continues to serve as a beacon of cultural exchange. Omani poets are seen standing in alignment with this cultural edifice.

The second axis is represented by the Algerian revolution and the sympathy of the Omani people towards it. Poets acted as messengers of noble sentiments and emotions dripping with love for a people who regained sovereignty over their land, symbolizing the resilience of human dignity in the face of adversity.

The third axis is represented by the diplomatic poet and his role in developing Omani-Algerian relations in all their aspects: cultural, economic, and issues of mutual interest.


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How to Cite

Algeria in modern Omani poetry: content and performance. (2015). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 11(1), 175-204.