The digital divide in Arab society and its impact on the Arabic language


  • Mansour Farah Author


Arabic language, digital divide, computational linguistics


The spread of information and communication technology in industrial countries, represented by the computer and various communication networks, has helped increase the ability to store and disseminate information on a wide scale. This has enabled these countries to control information and knowledge using modern digital technologies, leading to an unprecedented acceleration in industrial and knowledge production based on innovation and creativity. With the expansion of the Internet and various digital communication means, globalization has taken on new dimensions, allowing wealthy countries to exert control over developing countries through what has become known as the knowledge-based economy. The gap between the rich and the poor has widened on all levels, including economic, social, and cultural.


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How to Cite

The digital divide in Arab society and its impact on the Arabic language. (2007). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 3(2), 79-111.