From the Rhetorical Tropes of Abu Ubaidah Ma'mar ibn al-Muthanna (110 AH-201 AH): The First Quarter as an Example


  • َAli Faradji Author


Al-Majaz (Figurative Speech), Abu Ubaidah, Science of Rhetoric, Eloquence



If Sibawayh's book is the first book in Arabic that has reached us, then Abu Ubaidah's "Majaz al-Qur'an" is considered the first linguistic study of the Quran. This book represents an initial phase in the development of criticism and rhetorical studies of the Quranic style and in the evolution of Arabic literature in general. It also serves as a reference for many subsequent linguistic and literary studies. Abu Ubaidah was a prominent figure in language and literature during the second and third centuries AH, and his contributions cannot be overlooked in any study related to the Quran. As a scholar of Quranic studies during the formative period of Islamic sciences, he was as much a rhetorician as he was an exegete and linguist. The book contains various types of technical tropes that are distinct from literal meanings, such as simile, metaphor, metonymy, inversion, and interrogation.


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How to Cite

From the Rhetorical Tropes of Abu Ubaidah Ma’mar ibn al-Muthanna (110 AH-201 AH): The First Quarter as an Example. (2011). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 7(1), 99-119.