Historical Linguistics: Between the Linguistic Concept and Historical Reality


  • Reda Deghbar Author


Historical Linguistics, History, Language Family Tree, Linguistic kinship


Historical linguistics is considered as the most important field. In fact it has benefited much from the science of history to establish many interesting facts about ancient languages, the changes that occured on them a the relationship that exist between them. This interesting field has permitted us to acquire lot of valued information and data as far as the birth and the development of the old languages as well as the derivation of the modern languages from them. Moreover, it lets us to consider the link that exists between the communities under the same branch and also the lets us to discover a lot of religious,social, cultural and ideological facts. Thus historical linguistics is a central field which has a great impact on other sciences.


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How to Cite

Historical Linguistics: Between the Linguistic Concept and Historical Reality. (2019). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 15(1), 9-30. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/51