How did Haj Saleh interpret the texts of the predecessors? Towards constructing a methodology for textual interpretation.


  • Mohamed Otmani Author


Hadj salah, Interpreting the Texts of Predecessors


The article attempts to uncover Professor Abdul Rahman Haj Saleh's methodology for textual interpretation, tracing the scientific approach he advocated in various works. It aims to elucidate the foundational backgrounds of this methodology within Western and Arabic linguistics, aiming to construct a sound scientific framework with appropriate tools and methods to uncover the intended meanings of texts. Examples are provided to illustrate its procedural rigor.


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How to Cite

How did Haj Saleh interpret the texts of the predecessors? Towards constructing a methodology for textual interpretation. (2017). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 13(1), 319-336.