Ibn Sina's contributions to Arabic language and literature


  • Syed Rahman Suleymanov Author


Ibn Sina, Arabic Language, Arabic Literature


Few thinkers in the history of global civilization are renowned for their profound scientific and literary impacts during the Middle Ages. They amassed a wealth of knowledge and left behind numerous extensive scientific contributions. Among these, the foremost scholar was Ibn Sina. It is rightful to attribute to Ibn Sina numerous treatises, smaller works, and summaries. His comprehensive writings offer a complete overview of subjects, summarizing human knowledge up to the end of his era, enriched by the wise philosopher's insights gleaned from his observations, experiments, keen perception, and creative ideas. Ibn Sina spent a significant portion of his life in the company of kings, princes, and leaders, which occupied much of his time and prevented him from fully dedicating himself to teaching and scholarly pursuits as he desired for his students, disciples, and contemporaneous scholars. Nonetheless, he was distinguished by the richness and innovation of his output, as well as his remarkable ability to rapidly produce works with precision and mastery.


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How to Cite

Ibn Sina’s contributions to Arabic language and literature. (2015). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 11(2), 153-165. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/165