The Grammatical Cause According to the Khalilian Theory


  • Abdellah Boukhlekhal Author


ʿilla, aṣl, farʿ, ṯiqal, taḫfīf


Abstract: The grammatical cause is one of the basic concepts in the grammar lesson in general and the original grammar lesson in particular, and its concepts have gone through stages: the stage of authenticity, where I mean in the illness an explanation of what is outside the original, then the stage of its generalization to the interpretation of all grammatical phenomena, and then the stage of making it one of the four pillars of measurement. Among the grammatical defects from the viewpoint of the creators is that which is positive and does not lag behind, and that some of them appear in the speech scale due to dissonance


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How to Cite

The Grammatical Cause According to the Khalilian Theory. (2022). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 18(1), 9-24.