Foundations of Phonological Thought and its Investment in Arabic Linguistic Research


  • Boubaker Hacini Author


vocal thought, performance, foundations, formation, analysis, investment


The foundations in the phonological thought are the starting points upon which those dealing with the vocal phenomenon relied on through the movement of linguistic sounds, or the performances of their speakers, or the beholder in their interaction.So what is related to linguistic sounds are the formation foundations, and more especially the vocal scramble. As for what is related to the producer of linguistic sounds, it isthe performance foundations includingmainlythe oral performance. As for what is related to the vocal phenomenon, it is the analytical foundations, and most importantlythe vocal criticism. Therefore, we named it foundations because it is closely linked to the experiences of vocal thought, from the point of view of performance, formation and analysis. It is on its light that the linguists proceeded with the phonological thought.


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How to Cite

Foundations of Phonological Thought and its Investment in Arabic Linguistic Research. (2023). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 19(2), 9-30.