Dictionaries of meanings and topics in the linguistic heritage-The compiled dictionary of al-Gharib by Abu Ubayd as a model–


  • Ataher Naija Author


Subject dictionaries , Authoring in dictionaries of subjects,   Abu Obaid Al Qasim , Odd term  , ElAin dictionary


The subject dictionaries or the so-called dictionaries of meanings did not receive the attention of researchers, and the scholars of this type of dictionaries did not fulfill their right in terms of investigation and study, and they used to pass through it as they were most concerned about the dictionaries of words and their schools, and for this they are among what they focus on is the dictionary of “Al Ain” For Khalil bin Ahmad Al-Farahidi, and the lexical composition was known to the Arabs thanks to these objective dictionaries for the first time in a regular form after it was composed of annotated words scattered unordered, limited and non-exhaustive, as is the case in the issues of Nafeh ibn al-Azraq and then in the form of letters that include words linked by a semantic field Or a specific topic.


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How to Cite

Dictionaries of meanings and topics in the linguistic heritage-The compiled dictionary of al-Gharib by Abu Ubayd as a model–. (2021). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 17(2), 89-106. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/26