Writing and Communication: From Denotation to Connotation


  • Boudjemline Laboukh Author


writing, language, understanding, meaning, interpretation, identity, culture


Every act of verbal communication strives to establish a rational human principle that seeks
to bring individuals out of isolation and forcibly integrate them into a network of social
relationships based on awareness of the necessity of dialogue and coexistence. Language,
therefore, exercises its absolute authority in defining the nature of this communication and
its representations, transforming the world into frameworks of concepts. Thus, hierarchies
of knowledge emerge, ideas crystallize, and our routine dialogues, driven by pragmatism,
evolve into creativity, art, and culture. Contrary to our naive perceptions of life reality, our
genuine relationships can only endure according to the authority of understanding dictated
by cultural dominance. The affinity between the present and the future is adorned with the
trinity of identity, language, and culture, manifested through writing. Therefore, writing is
not merely a matter of linguistic formulation but a method of thinking, analysis, and
existence, at least textually. It is a form of self-presence in language and thought, a presence
that establishes interpretation based on the reader's autonomy in constructing the text.
Hence, from discourse on existence to discourse on aspiration, we define ourselves to


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How to Cite

Writing and Communication: From Denotation to Connotation. (2024). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 20(1), 29-42. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/283