Acoustic Analysis of Arabic Emphatic Phonemes Using Praat Software


  • Kamel Ferrat Author


acoustic analysis, emphasis, Arabic emphatic phonemes, Praat software


In this study, we interpret the pronunciation phenomena of Arabic emphatic phonemes
through acoustic analysis of speech, exploiting recent technology and Praat software. Our
goal is to provide a scientific acoustic interpretation of the emphasis phenomenon in light
of the numerous disagreements regarding the positions and movements of speech organs
during the pronunciation of emphatic phonemes, as well as the resulting physical or
acoustic sound effect. Acoustic analysis of speech is an important field that greatly helps in
the objective and concrete interpretation of pronunciation phenomena specific to the
Arabic language, such as emphasis, stress, the place and manner of articulation of
phonemes. Computer software can be used to study and interpret the emphasis
phenomenon and other phenomena in the Arabic language, including the physiological
movements that occur during pronunciation.This approach may significantly contribute to
the objectivity of phonetic studies by providing specialists with precise data in the form of
spectral curves and digital data, transitioning from theoretical to objective interpretation
based on tangible evidence.


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How to Cite

Acoustic Analysis of Arabic Emphatic Phonemes Using Praat Software. (2024). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 20(1), 43-68.