Dictionary Principles and Construction On The Light of the Works of Abderrahman Hadj Salah


  • Mohamed Otmani Author


Abderrahman Hadj-Salah, dictionary,, fundamental concepts,, techniques, lexicography, linguistics


We try in this article to look at lexicography in the works of Abderrahman Hadj Salah, a prominent Algerian linguist. We have undertaken this work from two points of view: the first one concerns the fundamental concepts of lexicographyin terms of development and establishment, and the second one in terms of the techniques of investigation and editing.


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How to Cite

Dictionary Principles and Construction On The Light of the Works of Abderrahman Hadj Salah. (2020). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 16(1), ص 35-46. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/42