Cognite object "al-Mafʻūl al-Muṭlaq" and Its Translation in Surah Al-Israa into English: A Comparative Analytical Study


  • Ibtissam Beri Author


The Meanings of the Holy Quran, interpretation of the Meanings of the Holy Quran, Cognate Object


The translation of the Holy Quran keeps being an approach between the language of the Holy Quran and the target language. It's known for the spe- cialized people that translation of the Holy Quran by its words and meaning is rare to happen; for what the language featured with concerning its multiple meaning of vocabulary and linguistics. This study comes to test a linguistic subject in Surat Al-Israa (The Night Journey) where it attempts to study the cognate object "al-Mafʻūl al-Muṭlaq" and its translation into English by three translators: Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Muhammad Taqi Ud-din Al-Hilali. The study is to be analytical and comparative.


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How to Cite

Cognite object "al-Mafʻūl al-Muṭlaq" and Its Translation in Surah Al-Israa into English: A Comparative Analytical Study. (2019). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 15(1), 117-133.