Neo Khalilian Theory in Arabic Grammar with Professor Abdul Rahman Haj Saleh


  • khaled Bouziani Author


Hadj salah, Neo-Khalilian Theory, Straightness, Boundary of Expression, Negative Particle, Factor


The profound observations made by Haj Saleh in Khalil's thought laid the foundation for the Khalilian theory, which is considered one of the strongest linguistic theories in contemporary linguistic thought. This was achieved by re-formulating Khalil's grammatical structures and searching for the mathematical rules he employed. The research focuses on specific concepts of the Khalilian theory from Haj Saleh's perspective, namely: straightness (al-istiqaama), uniqueness and the boundary of the term (hadd al-lafdh), position and the negative marker (al-alaamiya al-adamiyya), the concept of the term (al-Lafẓ), and the agent (al-ʻĀmil).


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How to Cite

Neo Khalilian Theory in Arabic Grammar with Professor Abdul Rahman Haj Saleh. (2017). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 13(1), 337-350.