The philosophical term and its development in Islamic philosophy


  • Ammar Talbi Author


Arabic language, translation, language comparison, cultural field, linguistic field


It can be said that the Arabic language, in one of its primary aspects, is a means to understand ourselves and the world. Its symbolic meanings continuously evolve across successive generations within a particular nation, and the meanings of its symbols are not coincidental. Rather, they are subject to social and historical conditions and are determined by collective experience.

Translation and language comparison have shown that languages do not perceive reality in the same way, nor do they derive a single meaning from it. General meanings often rely on linguistic usage and are not independent of the individuals who use them. The claim that these meanings are objective and depict reality as it is can be contested if taken in an absolute sense.

Human intellectual activity interacts with the cultural environment in which one lives and belongs. The linguistic environment that shapes one's thoughts significantly influences this interaction. This means that the relationship between thought and language is extremely close and strong. This does not imply that they are like two sides of a coin, such as a dinar.


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How to Cite

The philosophical term and its development in Islamic philosophy. (2013). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 9(1), 131-151.