The phonetic structure and its relationship with meaning and significance in Andalusian poetry: Ibn Zaydun's poetry as a model.


  • khaled Bouziani Author


Arabic poetry , Ibn Zaydun , phonetic formation , connotation


The problem of the topic revolves around the extent of harmony and alignment of sounds with the meanings and significances conveyed by Andalusian poetry through a network of relationships extending from the smallest structure of the text, through its imagery, to the entire text. This issue thus presents a duality between the poet's inner world and the Andalusian nature, and this strange combination has imposed itself necessarily and prominently through the harmony of sounds with the poets' sighs and whispers.


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How to Cite

The phonetic structure and its relationship with meaning and significance in Andalusian poetry: Ibn Zaydun’s poetry as a model. (2012). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 8(2), 119-140.