About the Modern Arabic Child Language


  • Abdulaziz Al-Maqaleh Author


The Arab Child, Language, Children's Literature


The child continues to struggle through persistent attempts to acquire their native language using traditional methods passed down through generations. Renewal efforts in learning methodologies still face obstacles, and school textbooks remain largely unchanged since the 1940s, if not deteriorated and weakened considerably. Without comprehensive reforms, little will change in our lives, and the future generation—currently children—will struggle to bridge the vast gap that separates us from others. If textbooks burden rather than develop a child's mind, no positive change will occur in how effectively they acquire Arabic or achieve academic creativity.



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How to Cite

About the Modern Arabic Child Language. (2016). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 12(2), 29-44. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/150