The grammatical dispute between the grammarians of Basra and the grammarians of Kufa: A new attempt to clarify what transpired from it.


  • Abderrahmane Hadj-Salah Author


The grammatical dispute, grammarians, Basra, Kufa


Since ancient times, there has been a well-known dispute among a group of grammarians who originally settled in Kufa and later migrated to Baghdad, and the grammarians of Basra from the beginning, notably highlighted by Al-Kisa'i (who died in 189 AH). This dispute did not manifest clearly in earlier times because Al-Kisa'i, who was taught by Abu Ja'far Al-Ru'asi, one of the disciples of the Basran leader Abu Amr ibn al-Ala, was one of those who studied under the Imams of Basra. The Kufans separated from their Basran mentors with Al-Kisa'i and Al-Farra establishing themselves as reference points, influenced significantly by Sibawayh.

Al-Farra occasionally mentions the statements and opinions of Sibawayh, which sometimes contradict his own views. For instance, in the interpretation of the Quranic meanings, he stated, "Some grammarians say that [اللّهم] is nominative when the dual pronoun is added to it, because it does not call for the dual pronoun (1/203)." It is evident that Al-Kisa'i also studied under the Basrans. Thus, the real dispute is between the method of Al-Khalil and his followers and what emerged as an independent approach from the Basran tradition during the time of Sibawayh and his follower, Al-Kisa'i.


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- القرآن الكريم

- al-Qurʼān al-Karīm

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How to Cite

The grammatical dispute between the grammarians of Basra and the grammarians of Kufa: A new attempt to clarify what transpired from it. (2009). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 5(2), 09-40.