The Arabic corpus and its role in the dissemination and standardization of terminology.


  • Abderrahmane Hadj-Salah Author


al-Dhakhira al-Arabiyya, the internet, the Arabic language, e-government, scientific knowledge



The benefits that internet users reap daily are well known to them, especially young people. However, most Arab intellectuals, including many high-ranking officials, are unaware of this because they do not benefit from the advantages of this great technological tool. Consequently, they do not know the dimensions and returns of these benefits: first, on the Arabic language, and second, on the scientific level of the Arab citizen. This is apart from the various benefits, including social, media, administrative, and those related to electronic government services and the facilitation of economic and commercial dealings in particular.

As for culture and sciences, the educational and training field, known in English as e-learning, is one of the most important fields that help raise the level because if the use of the internet becomes widespread, it is one of the powerful means to disseminate scientific knowledge and professional expertise to the farthest limits and widest scopes.


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How to Cite

The Arabic corpus and its role in the dissemination and standardization of terminology. (2013). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 9(2), 09-21.