Manifestations of the transformation of Andalusian society in satirical poetry


  • Abdelkader Henni Author


Literature, art, The Islam, Andalusian poetry, tribal society


If literature and art in general cannot be reduced to being a mere automatic reflection of what happens in their environment, as those who adhere to the reflection theory believe, it is difficult to deny that literature, as a human activity, is colored by the origin of the person. Although this coloring does not reach the extent of reflecting reality as it is without any alteration in the literary work, given that reality does not only refer to what exists outside the creative self from things and beings but also refers to the personal reality of the creator, whether this reality is lived or imagined.

From this perspective, Andalusian poetry could not have remained unaffected by the circumstances around it and unresponsive to them. The society in Andalusia did not remain the same Bedouin society in which the Arabs grew up before Islam and shortly after. Rather, life there experienced a series of transformations that touched the structure and composition of society, altering the individual's relationship with the social system that protects him, especially after authority shifted from the tribe to the state, unlike in the old tribal society. A set of values that held great significance in Bedouin society declined, and new values emerged as a result of the developments that people’s lives underwent.


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How to Cite

Manifestations of the transformation of Andalusian society in satirical poetry. (2013). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 9(2), 51-82.