The literary image from the perspective of Arabic linguistic poetics


  • Khaled Bouziani Author


Rhetoric, criticism, the Quran, Arabic poetry, poetic standards


It seems like you're discussing the development of Arabic poetic doctrine from its rhetorical origins, drawing on authentic foundations in our rhetorical heritage. This doctrine relies on setting standards and poetic laws derived from the Quran, Arabic poetry, and their prose, using these rules in poetic criticism to distinguish between what is good and what is bad based on its literary references and poetic conventions.

The study of Arabic poetic doctrine reveals three main directions:

  1. An orientation rooted in authentic Arabic poetic and rhetorical rules that blend poetic standards, rhetoric, and criticism.
  2. A direction influenced by Aristotelian poetic doctrine that blends poetic standards with logic.
  3. A linguistic and stylistic direction focused on formulation and organization.

In this research, emphasis is placed on the third direction, which is the linguistic and stylistic poetic doctrine, and how it derives the laws upon which the literary image is based in the Arabic poetic tradition.


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How to Cite

The literary image from the perspective of Arabic linguistic poetics. (2013). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 9(2), 117-131.