The efforts of some linguists in studying colloquial Arabic


  • Nassereddine Al Assad Author


efforts, linguists, colloquial formal Arabic



This title does not encompass those refined words that the public commonly uses in their everyday dialects, such as words like "sea," "river," "land," "sun," "chair," "door," "bread," and similar words pronounced by the public as they write them; they are clearer than to be subjected to study.

However, what falls under the scope of this title are two types of words:

Firstly, those that have undergone some distortion or alteration in pronunciation by the public, deviating slightly or significantly from their refined form or from the classical language. Some language books have preserved their form as spoken by the masses, indicating it as a language and sometimes mentioning the name of the tribe from which the word originated.

This distortion or alteration may affect the sounds and vowel movements of letters, such as their saying "andak" with an open 'ain instead of the classical 'ank. They consider the latter a mistake made by the public.


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How to Cite

The efforts of some linguists in studying colloquial Arabic. (2009). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 5(2), 135-158.