The contribution of the Arabic linguistic academies in promoting the Arabic language, renewing its content, and expanding its horizons.


  • Abderrahmane Hadj-Salah Author


Linguistic academies, scholars, experts, terminological research, scientific treatment


The Arabic linguistic academies, especially those established in the first half of the twentieth century, emerged at a crucial time due to the intense need to develop the Arabic language and make it, as the founders of these academies stated, "adequate to meet the demands of advancing sciences and arts" and "life in the present era." They fulfilled their duties in the best possible way, thanks to the scholars and experts who constituted them. These are great deeds worthy of being remembered by history and praised by subsequent generations of academicians.

Their goals were precise and well-defined, and they achieved much of what was required in that era. However, the advancement of sciences and arts was rapid and continues to be extremely fast. The works of the academies, limited to two or three institutions, could not keep pace with this rapid cultural progress despite their quality. We are now in a different era with astonishing technological means, especially in the scientific treatment of languages. The Arab nations need to adapt, like the rest of the third world, as soon as possible, particularly their scientific institutions and linguistic dictionaries, to address the challenges of this era and those that will follow.


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How to Cite

The contribution of the Arabic linguistic academies in promoting the Arabic language, renewing its content, and expanding its horizons. (2008). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 4(2), 09-30.