Characteristics of the Arabic Languagein the Balance of Modern Linguistic Research (Part Two)


  • Tayeb Debba Author


Arabic language, characteristics, structural levels, linguistics


The topic of the characteristics of the Arabic language sparks a lot of confusion and noise among researchers, as well as a great deal of debate and disagreement. In the context of seeking to frame this topic in a way that accurately defines its concepts and establishes its issues on a solid scientific background, we have decided to start addressing it by questioning the objective scientific basis for attributing certain characteristics and advantages to Arabic in scientific literature. To answer this question, it seems necessary to begin by exploring the concepts of modern linguistics as a methodological background that can provide a well-founded answer based on objective data, meticulous investigations, and scientific evidence that leave no room for accusations of bias, speculation, or subjective impressions. This research is an attempt to discuss some of the characteristics of Arabic within this approach.Since we have divided the research into two parts, we have chosen to first address a set of characteristics that are closely related tothe structural levels of the Arabic language and to highlight aspects of distinctiveness within them. These characteristics include derivation, syntax and linguistic economy.


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How to Cite

Characteristics of the Arabic Languagein the Balance of Modern Linguistic Research (Part Two). (2024). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 16(2), 9-28.