Arabic Language Security Between Amplification and UnderestimationAn Approach in the Light of Linguistic Planning


  • Mohamed Sari Author


Linguistic security , language warfare, linguistic atrophy, linguistic suicide, linguistic policy,, inguistic planning,, anguage maintenance


One of the most prominent current issues shared by natural languages in both the digital society and the economy of knowledge is thefuture of linguistic security of many languages which is threatened all over the world. It is no secret to specialists that the loss of linguistic security in the era of globalization, linguistic domination and language warfare is no less dangerous than the loss of food, water, health and digital security,etc. Linguistic security is part of national security, when lost, identities erode and decay,languages atrophyand the sense of belongingto the linguistic communities speaking those languages vanishes, especially in a time when languages have shifted from closed systems, which change is governed by spontaneous environmental and socio-linguistic factors, to open systems that are subject to artificial change based on the intended intervention of man in the status and future of language. Through this research paper, we will try toreveal subjective and objectivepositions in the amplification and underestimation discourses, which discussedthe issue of “the security of the Arabic language and its health status” both in the industrial and digital eras.


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How to Cite

Arabic Language Security Between Amplification and UnderestimationAn Approach in the Light of Linguistic Planning. (2024). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 16(2), 29-48.