Linguistic Features in the «Makamāt Aẓākira al-Mansiyya» of Habib MOUNSI


  • Safia Metahri Author


Linguistic features, Aẓākira al-Mansiyya, text-narrative style, narrative framework, linguistic tools


The textual structure of the novelistic style draws its essence from several linguistic sources to form a single entity that carries within it different elements, eachone having its own events and its own actors. The result of the interaction of all these elements is a text with a unique semantic charge. The narrative material in "Makamāt Aẓākira al-Mansiyya" is characterizedby linguistic elements that weave its narrative design. The author has used several linguistic procedures that have made the narrative material a complete whole. The author of "Makamāt Aẓākira al-Mansiyya" has used linguistic tools that have resulted in a text that paints a suffering that can only be felt in this kind of work. We aim throughout this work to reveal the main pointsof the text, while emphasizing the importance of the verbal subject as well as the other "Makamāt" used by the author to convey his narrative contents. We have based our work on the study of the linguistic features of the "Makamāt Aẓākira al-Mansiyya" ofHabib MOUNSI and thewayin which he used these features to reach a number of results.


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How to Cite

Linguistic Features in the «Makamāt Aẓākira al-Mansiyya» of Habib MOUNSI. (2024). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 16(2), ص 59-76.