The Notion of Syllable and the Cinetico-Impulsional Theory of the Arab Phoneticians


  • Cherif BOUCHAHDANE Author


the cinetico-impulsional theory, syllable, Hadj-Salah


The syllable, as viewed by the ancient Greek, was known by the Arabs through translations of ancient studies. But much prior to this contact between Greek and Arab thought, a conception of speech dynamics already existed; it was thoroughly original, and based on the concepts of << harf » and « haraka ». Harf is the minimal segment of the speech continuum. Al Khalil (8th century) ascertains that it has two qualities: sound colour (gars) and strength of motion (sarf). The latter word is explained by the word << haraka ». According to many authors, it is the acoustico-physiological motion which is re- quired both for sequentially producing harf and for gliding to the following articulation. Confirmation is given by rhythm conceived by Arabs musicologs and metricists. They have retained «sabab»> as the smallest articular molecule; however sabab bears the meaning of «<long syllable». In fact, a normally uttered speech sequence does not contain syllabic divisions, as is shown by instrumental observa- tion, and the only item which may be presented as a syllable is the speech sequence. It can actually be isolated, that is to say that which may be limited between two «< sukuns » (opposite to «< haraka »).
The author brings forward the idea of translating «<haraka» by <<kinem»>, the state of a speech segment endowed with haraka, by <<<kinesis>>, and its opposite by «<akinesis». The concept expressed by the words <<kineised» and «<akineised» seem to him more adequate than the Saussurian concepts: << explosive » and «<implosive».


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How to Cite

The Notion of Syllable and the Cinetico-Impulsional Theory of the Arab Phoneticians. (2017). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 13(1), 191-218.