Structural Linguistics and Discourse Linguistics in Neo-Khalilian Theory - Complementary or Alternative


  • Mohamed Otmani Author


Structural Linguistics, Discourse Linguistics, Neo-Khalilian Theory


In this study, we aim to trace the advancements presented by modern Khalilian theory in offering a fresh perspective on the study of speech (الكلام). Modern theories that focus on the study of speech vary significantly and can be broadly categorized into two main approaches: Structuralist Theories: These aim to approach speech within a closed framework, focusing on its formal structures and often limiting scientific inquiry to this approach alone, excluding other considerations. Interactional Theories: These aim to approach speech within an open framework, emphasizing its functional and discursive use. They view scientific validity within this approach and exclude other approaches.

The approach of modern Khalilian theory combines elements of both preceding approaches, allowing each approach to have its own field, domain, foundations, and methodologies that distinguish it from the other. According to this theory, both approaches are necessary. Structuralist approaches are deemed suitable for studying abstract structural elements that govern speech in its closed dimension, focusing on subject matter. They rely on principles of mathematics, logic, and computer science for their suitability in this task. Interactional approaches, on the other hand, are deemed suitable for studying speech in its discursive and open-use dimension, examining the social foundations and strategies that influence its open dimension.


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How to Cite

Structural Linguistics and Discourse Linguistics in Neo-Khalilian Theory - Complementary or Alternative. (2017). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 13(2), 33-54.