Linguistic Communication Among the Ancient Arabs: A Reading in Light of the Book 'Al-Khitab wa al-Takhatub' by Professor Abdul Rahman Haj Saleh


  • Abdelkader Henni Author


Hadj salah, Linguistic Communication Among Arabs


The article examines issues of linguistic communication among ancient Arabs through the lens of Professor Abdul Rahman Haj Saleh's book "Al-Khitab wa al-Takhatub." These issues received significant attention from ancient Arabs, who viewed language as the means of communication characterized by its ambiguity (lack of definitive determination) at this level, considering it a fundamental feature of language. They viewed discourse not solely as an accomplishment of the speaker but as a collaborative effort involving both the speaker and the addressee. Furthermore, they distinguished clearly between the semantic content of discourse and its informative or expressive content.


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How to Cite

Linguistic Communication Among the Ancient Arabs: A Reading in Light of the Book ’Al-Khitab wa al-Takhatub’ by Professor Abdul Rahman Haj Saleh. (2017). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 13(1), 219-292.