The Problem of the Scientific Term and its Impact on Translation


  • Ahmed Azouz Author



Term, Terminology, translation, Banks of terms, Dictionary


This research studies the role of terminology in expressing and defining the concepts of science, and the importance of knowing, understanding and employing it in translation, and the transfer of knowledge and arts. The Arabic language has absorbed this field through the centuries, and if someone sees its inability, it may be due to the lack of coordination between the linguistic academies and the scientific researchers that created the terminology of modern sciences, and it was not published. They need in this moment to coordinate with each other, teach these terms and what they have reached, and employ them in the texts of the educational system in order to be memorized and used.


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How to Cite

The Problem of the Scientific Term and its Impact on Translation. (2023). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 19(1), 65-78.