A Reading of Manuscripts at the Algerian National Library - Episode Three: Part One - Ibn Malik's Manuscripts, Both Organized and Scattered, and Their Commentaries


  • Mohamed Issa Moussa Author


Algerian Manuscripts, Linguistic Manuscripts, Ibn Malik's Grammar Manuscripts


The manuscript heritage today remains the sole raw material in the Arab and Islamic world among other material treasures that have largely been ignored and underexploited. Researchers interested in manuscripts concluded at the International Manuscript Conference, "Algeria's Contribution to Arab Civilization through Manuscripts," held in Adrar, Algeria from April 20 to 24, 2008, that less than five percent of preserved manuscripts have been studied and made accessible to the public, with some repositories reaching nine percent at best. This article continues to explore the contribution of Algerian manuscripts to linguistics, aiming to chronicle a part of the scientific movement and acknowledge its role in enriching knowledge, particularly in grammar and syntax. The study endeavors to uncover a sample of scattered and organized manuscripts, including material collected and presented in two parts, the first of which in this issue covers the grammatical manuscripts of Ibn Malik in the Algerian National Library and their commentaries.


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• ألفية ابن مالك النحوي محمد بن عبد الله الطائي: رقم المخطوط: 70/ 72/ 69.

• Alfīyat Ibn Mālik al-Naḥwī Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Ṭāʼī: raqm al-makhṭūṭ : 70/ 72/ 69.

• تسهيل الفوائد وتكميل المقاصد/ لابن مالك النحوي محمد بن عبد الله الطائي، رقم المخطوط: 116/119.

• Tasʹhīl al-Fawāʼid wa-takmīl al-maqāṣid / li-Ibn Mālik al-Naḥwī Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Ṭāʼī, raqm al-makhṭūṭ : 116/119.

• الكوكب الجوال في شرح لامية الأفعال/ لمحمد بن سعيد الطنجي الجزائري، رقم المخطوط: 13.

• al-Kawkab al-jawwāl fī sharḥ Lāmīyat al-afʻāl / li-Muḥammad ibn Saʻīd al-Ṭanjī al-Jazāʼirī, raqm al-makhṭūṭ : 13

• لامية الأفعال/ لابن مالك النحوي محمد بن عبد الله الطائي، رقم المخطوط: 12.

• Lāmīyat al-afʻāl / li-Ibn Mālik al-Naḥwī Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Ṭāʼī, raqm al-makhṭūṭ : 12

المساعد على تسهيل الفوائد مج1/ لبهاء الدين عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن بن عقيل، رقم المخطوط: 117.

• al-musāʻid ʻalá Tasʹhīl al-Fawāʼid mj1 / li-Bahāʼ al-Dīn ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ʻAqīl, raqm al-makhṭūṭ : 117

• المساعد على تسهيل الفوائد مجلد 2، رقم المخطوط: 118.

• al-musāʻid ʻalá Tasʹhīl al-Fawāʼid Mujallad 2, raqm al-makhṭūṭ : 118







How to Cite

A Reading of Manuscripts at the Algerian National Library - Episode Three: Part One - Ibn Malik’s Manuscripts, Both Organized and Scattered, and Their Commentaries. (2008). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 4(1), 105-143. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/101