The Theme of Extravagance in the Holy Quran - Its Structures and Contextual Meanings


  • Haouas Berri Author


Themes of extravagance, the Holy Quran, contextual meanings


The Quran addresses the theme of extravagance extensively, using the word "israf" and its derivatives twenty-three times throughout the text in various contexts. However, these verses that discuss extravagance in its material sense are not isolated from other issues. They are intertwined with matters such as faith, legislation, economics, various forms of injustice, and the relationship between a servant and their Lord, as well as among individuals.

The study categorizes these discussions into several axes aimed at answering the following question: Does extravagance appear with one meaning or with different meanings? After defining extravagance linguistically and in terminology, and upon reviewing its verses, it is noted that extravagance can be categorized into four axes:

  1. Doctrinal Axis: This is evident in verses that describe the rejection of God's book by disbelievers and polytheists, where extravagance is linked to the rejection of the messengers.

  2. Material Axis: This relates to material extravagance, including issues such as excessive consumption of the wealth of orphans.

  3. Preservation Axis: This concerns the preservation of other aspects, particularly the preservation of human life.

  4. Human Model Axis: The Quran presents a human model where everything emanating from that model is considered extravagant.

These axes illustrate the multifaceted nature of extravagance as portrayed in the Quran, covering spiritual, material, ethical, and exemplary dimensions.


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How to Cite

The Theme of Extravagance in the Holy Quran - Its Structures and Contextual Meanings. (2014). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 10(1), 163-207.