Punctuation Marks and Meaning in Translation


  • Chabeha Hamroun Author


Punctuation Marks, mening, Translation


In theory, the translated text should ideally respect rigorously the language rules and styles in which it was written, whether in terms of selecting linguistic units, the relationships woven between them within the structure, or other aspects related to its expressive aesthetics. However, this remains an assumption. The translator may encounter unintentional violations of these rules by the original text's author, which could be perceived as the author's rebellion against the language or a relaxation of its strict rules. In reality, it often reflects the author's degree of mastery of the language they are writing in. This could extend beyond mere unfamiliarity with grammatical rules and spelling to punctuation marks, which may appear in incorrect places contrary to the sentence or paragraph's intended meaning, or which the text's author may have neglected altogether. Paragraph organization may require the translator's intervention to rectify the situation, especially when the arrangement lacks or nearly lacks punctuation marks, during which their function is essential in describing and adjusting the intended meaning. In such cases, adhering to the source may not be devoid of implications for the expressed meaning in the translated text.


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How to Cite

Punctuation Marks and Meaning in Translation. (2014). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 10(1), 227-246. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/133