The problem of translating and standardizing terminology in Arabic linguistics, specifically lexicographic terminology


  • Karima Mezghiche Author


Translation, Lexicographic Terminology, Linguistics, Translator, Concepts


This study addresses the problem of translating terminology in linguistics in general, and lexicographic terminology in particular. Standardizing the translation of terminology is one of the challenging issues that concern Arabic researchers, especially in the field of linguistics.

Terminology is crucial for deriving knowledge and defining concepts. However, the reality of translation in Arabic linguistics demonstrates the instability of terminology due to individual efforts and a lack of adherence to standardized terminology decisions. In this context, the study provides a theoretical framework that discusses the concepts of translation and terminology, the characteristics of terminology, and the necessary conditions for translated terminology. It also explores some of the problems encountered in translating terminology in linguistics in general and lexicographic terminology specifically. The study proposes solutions to coordinate efforts in translating terminology.

Ultimately, the study concludes with a set of recommendations aimed at improving the process of translating and standardizing terminology in Arabic in general and in the lexicographic field specifically.


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How to Cite

The problem of translating and standardizing terminology in Arabic linguistics, specifically lexicographic terminology. (2018). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 14(1), 09-29.