Characteristics of rhetorical and linguistic sensibility in Abu Ubaydah's "Majaz al-Quran"


  • َAli Faradji Author


Majaz al-Quran, rhetorical analysis, deviation, rhetoric, grammatical analysis


The book "Majaz al-Quran" by Abu Ubaydah represents, according to most scholars, a linguistic approach to Quranic interpretation due to its inclusion of rhetorical insights. Therefore, we intend to illustrate these insights through his book, which remains a reference point for numerous linguistic and literary studies across eras.

The reason behind the presence of these linguistic and rhetorical insights may be attributed to his understanding of the term "majaz" in its original sense, which involves deviating from literal usage of words or phrases to convey another related meaning. When examining his discussions on the use of the term "majaz," we find that he explores various aspects: sometimes employing it in a rhetorical or stylistic sense as later elaborated in rhetorical studies, or situating the word within linguistic usage that connects to its intended meaning and its alteration based on its syntactic or contextual position within speech. Its usage often involves changes in grammatical analysis, occasionally intersecting with the realm of grammar.


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How to Cite

Characteristics of rhetorical and linguistic sensibility in Abu Ubaydah’s "Majaz al-Quran". (2013). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 9(1), 203-225.