Obstacles to automatic translation of a grammatical nature - a critical reading of the phenomenon of grammatical confusion in the automatic translator “Tarjem”


  • Hamidi Benyoucef Author


Computational linguistics , machine translation , grammatical confusion


The modern era has witnessed tremendous advancements in technology, integrating machines into many scientific fields, even those considered humanities or social sciences. Given the importance of communication between peoples, especially those who differ culturally and linguistically, investing in machines in this field has become inevitable.

If we look at the reality of communication today, we find that researchers have tried to invest the machine in the field of translation, but with varying methods and levels of effectiveness and success. This variation can be attributed to several factors, some linguistic and others related to the mechanical or computational aspects.

In this article, we will try to address the problem of grammatical ambiguity as a linguistic obstacle that affects the effectiveness of machine translation between languages to examine how well machine translators overcome this problem through an applied study of an English-Arabic and Arabic-English translator available on the internet.


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How to Cite

Obstacles to automatic translation of a grammatical nature - a critical reading of the phenomenon of grammatical confusion in the automatic translator “Tarjem”. (2012). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 8(2), 207-222. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/147