The rhetorical aspect of the miracle in the Quran according to Al-Ramani in his book "Al-Nukat."


  • Messaoud Merzougui Author


Al-Ramani, Al-Nukat, miraculous aspect, rhetoric, figurative imagery


In his thesis "al-Nukat fī Iʻjāz al-Qurʼān," Al-Ramani addressed one aspect of Quranic miracle, which is the rhetorical miracle. He aimed to uncover this aspect through ten rhetorical devices, focusing on revealing their miraculous secrets. He relied on artistic aspects like balance to distinguish between the profound nature of the Quranic discourse. He sought to prove this distinction through analysis and Quranic evidence, illustrating its rhetorical secrets and comparing the Quranic text with the linguistic commentary of Arabs. He categorizes these rhetorical devices into figurative, structural semantic, and phonetic imagery, believing that the secrets of the miracle lie within this realm. Scientifically, he relies predominantly on Quranic evidence.


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How to Cite

The rhetorical aspect of the miracle in the Quran according to Al-Ramani in his book "Al-Nukat.". (2018). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 14(1), 147-177.