Towards utilizing theories of definition in the production of dictionaries for non-Arabic speakers (a review of Vania Abdul Rahim's dictionary for Arabic language lessons for non-speakers).


  • Benyoucef Hamidi Author


Vania dictionary, for non-speakers, teaching Arabic, lexicography, theories of definition


This research paper addresses a topic related to curricula, tools, and materials used in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. Specifically, it examines a fundamental tool in language teaching and learning in general, and in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers in particular. The dictionary is one of the most important sources from which linguistic, semantic, morphological, and phonetic knowledge (as well as non-linguistic knowledge) are derived. Therefore, it is natural, indeed necessary, to explore the specifications of the desired dictionary aimed at Arabic language learners who are not native speakers, and to seek its development to meet their cognitive and communicative needs. Within this scope, our research seeks to demonstrate how theories of lexicographical definition (both ancient Arabic and modern Western) can be utilized in creating a dictionary that meets the requirements of foreign learners of the Arabic language.


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How to Cite

Towards utilizing theories of definition in the production of dictionaries for non-Arabic speakers (a review of Vania Abdul Rahim’s dictionary for Arabic language lessons for non-speakers). (2015). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 11(1), 117-173.