Updating the Research Principles in the Scientific Linguistic Arab Heritage


  • Abderrahmane Hadj-Salah Author


Heritage, Principles, Interpretation


Scientific research that delves into the contributions of ancient Arab scholars in the fields of Arabic and linguistic sciences is in dire need of considerable renewal and development. This need extends to all aspects of research and is not limited to methodology alone. The fundamental principle for us is the absolute independence of thought, without yielding to others' perspectives or adhering to any preconceived beliefs except for the rational and scientific principles universally acknowledged as valid at all times and places.


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How to Cite

Updating the Research Principles in the Scientific Linguistic Arab Heritage. (2006). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 2(2), 09-34. https://majala.aala.dz/index.php/majala/article/view/199