Computerizing the Arabic Dictionary: A Scientific and Cultural Necessity (An Analytical Vision Through the Arabic Corpus Project)


  • Ahmed Habbas Author


Computerizing the dictionary, linguistic system, lexical text



The Arabic corpus, or the Arabic internet – this massive project – offers various technical capabilities and scientific benefits that greatly enhance the humanities and social sciences. The Arabic corpus aims to provide all the means for scientific research and integrate the social and cultural environment into the civilizational context. It focuses on the Arabic language and the challenges of teaching it, positioning it appropriately and giving it the global and scientific standing it deserves. This could be an unprecedented civilizational leap in the modern era, considering the corpus's role in compiling the Arabic language and its diverse scientific and literary fields. Computerizing the Arabic dictionary is part of its concerns, as the dictionary is the linguistic vessel that encompasses all aspects of civilization for any human society. Modern dictionaries have undergone computerization through the automatic application of lexical entries.


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How to Cite

Computerizing the Arabic Dictionary: A Scientific and Cultural Necessity (An Analytical Vision Through the Arabic Corpus Project). (2006). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 2(2), 51-69.