The Arabic Language and the Electronic Library


  • Mohamed Hassane Alaliane Author


Electronic library, Arabic language, computational linguistics


Knowledge sources and scientific research are no longer confined to traditional libraries and their paper books. They have evolved with the advancement of computer technologies to benefit from numerous services facilitated by the spread of computers, such as information centers, the Internet, and electronic libraries. The Arabic language is not isolated from these sources but is actively participating in them.

This research aims to clarify the services provided by electronic libraries to researchers in Arabic language and literature by highlighting the main components of these libraries in the field of Arabic, which are:

  1. Websites.
  2. Electronic programs and systems.
  3. Books, encyclopedias, and manuscripts.

It concludes with suggestions that aim to support electronic libraries for the Arabic language.


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How to Cite

The Arabic Language and the Electronic Library. (2007). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 3(2), 113-138.