Scientific discourse and some of its characteristics: an educational perspective


  • Bachir Ibrir Author


Scientific discourse, language, educational dimension


Today, scientific discourse occupies an important place among other types of discourse, especially in our current era where human lifestyles have evolved, their horizons have expanded, and their specialties have multiplied with the diversity of knowledge, the proliferation of communication channels, and their complexity.

In this context, I have chosen to discuss scientific discourse from an educational perspective, as it is one of the less emphasized forms of discourse in our educational lives across various stages. There is often a strong focus on religious and literary discourse, which has resulted in the graduation of many scholars and orators. However, there is a noticeable scarcity of experts who possess distinguished linguistic proficiency in their scientific and technical fields.


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How to Cite

Scientific discourse and some of its characteristics: an educational perspective. (2007). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 3(2), 201-246.