Morphological structure and its impact on metaphorical expression


  • khaled Bouziani Author


morphological structure, metaphorical expression, morphological formation, lexical


The issue I address in this research centers on the extent of the impact that morphological structure exerts on metaphorical formation as a tool for constructing poetic imagery in terms of semantic aspects. All morphological structures help reshape and arrange meanings according to the demands of the context, using a range of alternatives that the poet relies on. The first question we can pose here is: What impact does morphological formation have on metaphorical expression and rhetorical images in general, and what semantic activity does the morphological structure impart to the poetic image? The roles of the subject, object, quasi-adjective, exaggerative forms, detailed forms, and all other morphological structures help shape the semantic meaning, thanks to the influence these elements exert at the lexical level and their relationship to conveying the intended meaning.


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How to Cite

Morphological structure and its impact on metaphorical expression. (2010). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 6(1), 207-221.