The cultural and civilizational impact of the Arabic language on the Hausa language (Nigeria as a case study).


  • Mohamed Al Thani Abou bakr Author


The impact, cultural and civilizational, Arabic language, Hausa language


The African continent is characterized by its diverse population, speaking hundreds of languages and dialects. Among these are the inhabitants of the region historically referred to by some ancient Arab scholars as the lands of the Sudan. This expansive area stretches from the edges of the Sahara Desert in the north to the Central African forest belt in the south, and from the hills of Abyssinia in the east to the Atlantic Ocean in the west. The specific focus of this article is the region encompassing the Hausa states, beginning from the kingdom of Bornu in the northeastern part of what is now the Republic of Niger. This region lies along the western bank of the Niger River, extending westwards from the boundaries of the Ahir kingdom to the Benue River. Historically known as the Hausa states, this area is situated today in the northern part of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


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How to Cite

The cultural and civilizational impact of the Arabic language on the Hausa language (Nigeria as a case study). (2010). Journal of Algerian Academy of the Arabic Language , 6(2), 63-88.